The AyQ Story

AyQ is the brain-child of Kieran Powell, a West Indian, professional cricket star, and his wife, Emma Everett-Powell, badass, superstar sports and entertainment agent.

While traveling in Asia, Kieran and Emma acquired a love of spices, like turmeric, cayenne, and cinnamon. They applied this new found passion to the challenge of athletic hydration, something Kieran knows from first hand experience.

How could they bring real, natural ingredients, along with the power of Asian spices, to the so-called ‘smart’ water market?

The result of their collaboration is AyQ: the world’s first geniyus-beverage brand.

AyQ’s Mission

To revolutionize hydration with healthy, natural, flavor-packed, and sustainable beverage products.

The AyQ Impact

Where flavor colldes with function and sustainability

Elyvate your life with a can of AyQ.
Created by athletes for everyone, AyQ gives you the functional, replenishing boost you need to take on the world, every day!
Our formulas are crafted with natural ingredients, real fruit, and scintillating spices—and packed with trace minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes to bring out the Eynstein in your body. Oh, and it comes in 100% recyclable aluminum cans!
Because the Earth doesn’t need anymore plastic bottles floating around in its oceans!
